Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2019

June 19 - 21, 2019

Chennai Tamil Nadu - India


 S. Kalugasalamurthy
 Chief Merchandising Officer
 KASBACK, Kemia Industries Limited
 Q8/1, 4th Main Road
 14th Street, Annanagar
 Chennai 600040, INDIA

Transformation means a marked change. The five global mega-trends, the Big Shift, which are macroeconomic and geo-strategic forces that are shaping the world, such as demographic shifts, shifts in economic power, accelerating urbanization, climate change and resource scarcity and technological breakthroughs, fundamentally disrupt all businesses.  Many companies configured to operate in the scale-based, efficiency-driven models of the 20th century are now struggling to create value in the rapidly changing world of these global mega trends.

Author of this paper feels that at this juncture the transformation in the shrimp farming as a strategic business at global level also very essential. Globalization become the dominant business paradigm of the century in any competitive industries and similarly in the shrimp farming industry (and allied industries) too and the need for globalization is inevitable and need of the hour and it must happen if not today in near future.

As Larry Elder expressed that outsourcing and globalization of manufacturing allows companies to reduce cost, benefits consumers with lower cost goods and services, causes economic expansion that reduces unemployment, and increases productivity and job creation.

Jagdish N. Sheth et al., in the paper titled "The Globalization of Markets and the Rule of Three",  proposed the new theory called "The Rule of Three" in the next stage of  globalizing, which suggests that cyclical and systematic market forces make it possible to predict the evolution of competitive industries. According to the theory, the Rule of Three structure is optimal because the big three act as the tripod that stabilizes the industry against hyper-competition or collusion or in other words, it offers optimal mix of competition (innovation, quality), collaboration (efficiency, profitability), customer satisfaction (variety, affordability, accessibility, value co-creation); the theory has fundamental corporate, marketing and investment implications and provides profound guidance for crafting strategy and positioning in a global world.

In this context of the new globalization phenomena of  the "Rule of Three" and also the global experiences from the other competitive manufacturing industries, the author of this paper deeply analyses and discusses in detail, the realities of future global shrimp farming business, nature of globalizing the shrimp business, essentials strategies for such transformation in the global shrimp farming business, mechanisms and implementation processes for successful globalization, larger and longer benefits, implications, etc.

Author also discusses in detail the scalability in adopting the technological innovations and other advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Big Data Analysis, Enhanced Lot Control System and many others, in implementing the uniform GMP/GFP and also marching towards zeroing the risks of production, financial and marketing with the multi-dimensional shared approach. As viewed by the author the best use of biotechnological advancements in commercial scale resulting improved efficiency in productivity also will be an advantage. Above all this may resolve many problems of existing complexities in the global shrimp farming business, he strongly believes.