Asian-Pacific Aquaculture 2019

June 19 - 21, 2019

Chennai Tamil Nadu - India


Suriya A*, Geetha priya R.S , Regupathi R
Department of Fisheries Engineering
College of Fisheries Engineering
Tamil Nadu Dr.J.Jayalalithaa Fisheries University
Nagapattinam - 611002

Over 9.58 million metric tonne production from capture fisheries, humans depends much on fisheries sector for our nutritional and economy also. Even though, we lack in knowledge and also our expertise in developing technologies to achieve blue economy.

 Offshore mobile fishing harbour with a VLFP is an innovative mind mapping idea to support offshore fishing to achieve economically sustainable production. Multiple high density polythene hollow floats with effective buoyancy to self weight ratio are combined in series, forming a very large floating structure. This HDPE is used in variety of applications where excellent impact resistance, high tensile, low moisture absorption and corrosion resistance property. This OMFH is achieved by the principle of buoyancy which is supported by mooring and anchoring systems. Mooring and anchoring system are the permanent structures which keeps the floating panels on same position and prevent them from turning or floating away from the floating arrangements.

OMFH include the facilities such as berthing, cold store unit, offshore bunkering, dock yard, wind turbines (to produce electricity), recreational fishing, Cage Culture units and SOS station.

 To ensure sustainability in fisheries, the OMFH with necessary facilities eliminates the current problems by achieving fisheries economy and livelihoods of fisherman, thereby contributing towards blue revolution.