Aquaculture America 2020

February 9 - 12, 2020

Honolulu, Hawaii


David Cline*
Extension Aquaculturist
203 Swingle Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849

Schools across the country have been integrating Aquaculture and Aquaponics to teach numerous academic subjects.  Aquaponics is an outstanding cross-curricular teaching platform to engage student minds and hands in a living laboratory that brings to life principles described in textbooks .   We have now trained over 500 teachers from 23 states how to build and utilize small aquaponic systems to teach, biology, chemistry, math, physics and other less obvious subjects.   Each teacher has approximately 200 students per year we are exposing 100,000 students a year to the exciting world of aquaculture and aquaponics perhaps reaching the next generation of aquaculturists.  We have numerous accounts from teachers that these systems provide a meaningful experience for less academically inclined students and for some students it is the only reason they come to school.