Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 2023

April 18 - 21, 2023

Panama City, Panama


Baldini G. Giovanni1,3, Apun-Molina Juan Pablo1, Ibarra-Castro Leonardo2, Santamaría-Miranda Apolinar1.

1Instituto Politécnico Nacional-CIIDIR Sinaloa, Blvd Juan de Dios Batiz Paredes 250, San Juachín 81101, Guasave Sinaloa, Mexico.

2 University of Florida Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, 9505 Ocean shore Blvd, St Augustine, FL, USA.

3Proveedora Mar y Cultura SC de RL de CV, Misión San Fernando 4163, Los Mochis, Sinaloa 81293, México.


Snook is considered to be one of the most important fisheries in Mexico due to its cultural and economic importance; nevertheless, the production potential remains to be untapped, as current commercial production is based on wild-catch temporality, distribution and abundance. For these reasons the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and metabolic variables of the white snook Centropomus viridis culture in 10m diameter and 3m deep cages (235m3). 15,000 organisms of C. viridis with an initial weight of 0.8±0.2g were stocked in one floating cage where they would remain for four months during the nursery stage. Once the nursery stage came to an end, the fish were graded and separated into three different cages at three different weights (30g, 40g, y 60g) where they would remain for their grow out stage until September 2020. During the experiment physicalchemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and salinity as well as ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and metabolic variables such as glucose, protein, lipids and cholesterol were closely monitored and recorded. Performance variables such as specific growth rate, daily growth rate, feed conversion ratio, survival and total biomass were evaluated. The results of our performance variables were a specific growth rate of 119%, 110% and 95.87% a daily growth rate of 2.17 ± .06, 2.35 ± .05 and 2.49 ± .06 g, a feed conversion ratio of 1.12, 1.22 and 1.67, a total survival of 27% for the nursery stage and 60% for the grow out stage and a total biomass produced of 973kg; the metabolic variables the protein and cholesterol had significant differences. Correlation between physicalchemical parameters and growth was determined through a correlation analysis and a direct correlation was found between temperature and growth.