Aquaculture America 2023

February 23 - 26, 2023

New Orleans, Louisiana USA


 Michael Pietrak* and Steve Eddy


USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center, 25 Salmon Farm Road, Franklin, Maine


The USDA National Cold Water Marine Aquaculture Center (NCWMAC) began culturing lumpfish in 2016 with the aim of optimizing husbandry and spawning techniques in the United States. Soon thereafter, the NCWMAC, University of New Hampshire, University of Maine Center for Collaborative Aquaculture Research (CCAR) and Cooke Aquaculture co-founded the US Lumpfish Consortium. A primary goal of the Consortium has been the establishment of a Gulf of Maine (GoM) captive reared brood stock population. Beginning in 2018, staff from CCAR have developed techniques for capturing wild young-of-the-year lumpfish (often less than 1g) during the summer months from coastal Maine waters. Captured fish were then weaned to commercial diets and reared for two-three years until the fish reach sexual maturity. Once sexually mature, fish are transferred to NCWMAC to conduct spawning and rearing of the filial generation. The NCWMAC has developed and optimized techniques for incubating and rearing family batches of eggs and fish. We have also started a health screening program for our captive spawned population. The 2022 spring spawning season resulted in the establishment of 15 unique families at the NCWMAC from captive spawned fish. These families will form the nucleus of a GoM captive reared brood stock program at NCWMAC.