Aquaculture America 2023

February 23 - 26, 2023

New Orleans, Louisiana USA


M. Scarlett Tudor*, Melissa Malmstedt, Carla Scocchi, and Laura Wilson


*Presenting Author Information: University of Maine Aquaculture Research Institute and Cooperative Extension, University of Maine, Libby Hall, Orono, ME



The Aquaculture Research Institute (ARI) at the University of Maine has developed several new aquaculture workforce development programs with the core objective to promote careers in the aquaculture industry to workers of all types (i.e. professional development and degree seeking students). UMaine is offering a new micro-credentialing program designed to take a learner from foundational knowledge and rigorous training, to application in a real-world work-setting. ARI in collaboration with Cooperative Extension developed an aquaculture micro-credentialing pathway for youth and adults. This pathway includes ARI’s new hands-on skills development courses in Aquatic Animal Husbandry, Aquatic Animal Health, Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, and more. These hybrid courses allow learners to gain foundational knowledge online that will be implemented with further skills development during the week-long laboratory sessions. Skills gained in these courses will include skills sets identified in Aquaculture Occupational Competencies approved by the Maine Aquaculture Association. Laboratory sessions take full advantage of the aquaculture facilities across UMS giving students experience with industry sized facilities and cutting-edge research. ARI also offers an Industry Partnered Internship Program allowing learners to demonstrate and reinforce their skills within an aquaculture setting. This internship program matches students with industry hosts allowing students to gain experience in the aquaculture industry while conducting projects/research lead by the industry partner.