World Aquaculture 2023

May 29 - June 1, 2023

Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia


Sara Barrento*, Murilo Henrique Quintiliano, Carla Molento, Ana Silvia Pedrazzani


FAI Farms
64 New Cavendish Street
London, W1G 8TB, United Kingdom


Fish welfare was until recently an alien term to many fish professionals. This status quo is now changing. In this presentation, we will explore how FAI Academy e-learning courses in five different languages are bringing to the farmer the hidden scientific information on fish welfare assessment.

In the last seven years over 13, 000 research papers were published and many codes of good practice updated for some fish species. Increasing public awareness led several organizations to create fish welfare campaigns forcing some retailers to commit to better fish welfare in their supply chains. But to implement fish welfare, it is crucial that the information on good practices reach fish farmers.  The information contained in the 13,000 publications - all written in English - is essential but is not a tool to implement fish welfare at the farm level in non-English speaking countries. To unlock this information, FAI Academy is creating e-learning courses available for free in Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Chinese, and English. E-Learning, electronic learning, or computer-based learning is a form of distance learning: it is flexible, convenient, and accessible. 

In this presentation, we will share FAI’s journey to creating a framework on best practices for building e-learning courses targeting the aquaculture sector. We will explore the methodologies available to train not the traditional student, but to train the fish farmers and other fish professionals – all those who can improve fish welfare.