Aquaculture 2022

February 28 - March 4, 2022

San Diego, California


         Alex J. Wright* and Jackson A. Gross


         Aquaculture Cooperative Extension

 Department of Animal Science

University of California Davis

Davis, CA 95616



 California’s complex and diverse aquaculture industry confronts many production and husbandry challenges; one of the most prominent and costly being infectious disease caused by microscopic organisms. Antimicrobial products are important tools used by aquaculture professionals to combat various pathogenic bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses. Antibiotics are within this group of products and have proven useful against infectious diseases outbreaks in humans and animals . However, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a developing concern within both agriculture and aquaculture, with potential human consequences. Bacteria develop resistance mechanisms and are capable of transferring this information to other bacteria, meaning that in many cases, antimicrobial products become less effective. It is important for the growing aquaculture industry to  be aware of antimicrobial product usage,  issues associated with AMR, and to avoid contributing to further AMR development and spread. Likewise, to support the continued industry growth, it is important for public health organizations and research institutions to provide recommendations and resources to assist aquaculture producers in their decision-making process.


 Antimicrobial Use and Stewardship (AUS)  in the California Department of Food and Agriculture  is a statewide program intended to promote actions that will slow the development of resistant bacteria associated with animal production systems. Aquaculture Cooperative Extension  at UC Davis is collaborating with AUS to better understand the types of antimicrobial products used in California aquaculture, the disease challenges experienced, and to provide resources intended to inform industry personnel of antimicrobial stewardship principles and disease management strategies.  California aquaculture producers have been asked to participate in a survey designed to inform the AUS of the disease trends and industry needs surrounding animal health and biosecurity. Here we outline the types of antimicrobial products available for use by the aquaculture industry; the purpose of these products and how they are used onsite; and proper stewardship principles intended to help balance the AMR issue with the industry’s need for antimicrobial products and disease management strategies.