Aquaculture: Retrospective and Outlook An Aquaculture Summit

Information compiled by experts during a workshop held in Honolulu November 2002

This book contains the proceedings of a workshop held in Honolulu, Hawaii in November 4-7, 2002.  Dedicated to Dr. I Chiu Liao and Dr. Hsi-Chiang Liu, who both recently retired from government service, this book serves as a repository of the experiences of some of the most important individuals involved in the impressive growth of our industry over the past 30 years.  Each expert was invited to present a paper for this proceedings, not with the intention of serving as a “How to’ manual for aquaculturists, but rather to provide a historical perspective on the trends in aquaculture and valuable insights on directions to take in the future.  Included in each articles are the hurdles that these experts have encountered and the approaches they took to overcome these difficulties, highlighting the major turning points in their careers as a way for young scientists to learn from them.  As in their creative careers in their respective fields, the authors have adopted different styles of presentation in this book.  It is up to the reader to discover the advice in each chapter and apply it to his or her own field of interest.

The book has 19 Chapters and the contributors include: Drs. I Chiu Liao, Nai-Hsien Chao and Hsi-Chiang Liu (Taiwan),  Drs. Kunihiko Shigueno and Shin-Ichi Teshima (Japan), Drs. Edward Donaldson and Roger W. Doyle (Canada), Dr. Roland Billard (France), Dr. Zuoyan Zhu (China), Dr. Norman Maclean (United Kingdom) and Drs. Kennet Chew, Jaw-Kai Wang, Jo-Ann Leong, John Halver, Gary D. Pruder, PingSun Leung, Richard A. Neal and Robert R. Stickney (USA).  A discussion summary by Patricia O´Bryen, Cheng-Sheng Lee and Dennis Tanay of the Oceanic Institute was included as the last Chapter.  Aquaculture topics include general aquaculture, natural food, fish nutrition, culture systems, fish reproduction, fish vaccination, transgenics, fish genetics and economics.

Hardcover, 314 pages, including many color plates, illustrations, figures, graphs and tables.  Jointly published by Asian Fisheries Society and World Aquaculture Society