World Aquaculture Society Affiliates
The World Aquaculture Society (WAS) promotes affiliation with other organizations that have activities and interests that match the vision of WAS in promoting sustainable aquaculture development throughout the world.
Such affiliations are aimed at stimulating cooperative exchange of publications to enhance the benefits available to the membership of each society and to broaden the international exchange of information among aquaculture scientists and practitioners. They also provide opportunities to consider joint activities, such as conferences and workshops.
Such affiliations have so far proved to be mutually beneficial and in many instances have created common platforms for the sharing of information and the avoidance duplicated efforts. So far, 13 organizations have affiliated with WAS. The rapid growth of aquaculture is prompting the establishment of aquaculture associations in many countries. Those organizations that are interested in seeking affiliation to WAS are invited to contact the WAS Home Office ( for details.
- Asian Fisheries Society
- China Society of Fisheries
- Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (KOSFAS)
- Aquaculture Association of Canada
- Aquaculture Association of S. Africa
- European Aquaculture Society
- Sociedad Brasileira de Acuicultura
- Indonesian Aquaculture Society
- Society of Aquaculture Professionals (India)
- Malaysian Fisheries Society
- Egyptian Aquaculture Society
- Spanish Aquaculture Association (SEA)
- The International Association of Seafood Professionals
WAS and the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) have an agreement where WAS members can use a special link to become members of GAA. There is a front page news item that is shown to signed in WAS members that will take you to a special GAA membership page. Becoming a GAA member will allow you to participate in the upcoming Virtual GOAL Conference.