Tilapia Aquaculture

Proceedings from the 4th International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture held November 1997 in Orlando, Florida
Included are 72 papers divided into twelve categories: nutrition, genetics, growth, reproduction, production systems, role of tilapia in development, industry reviews, economics and marketing, physiology and disease, computer systems and monitoring technology, sex determination and sex reversal, and aquaculture in Israel. Tilapia are one of the most important food fishes in the world. The fish are prized as aquaculture species because of the ease with which they can be bred in captivity and the wide variety of water conditions in which they will grow. These and many other characteristics make tilapia ideal for farming conditions and explain why they have become one of the most important domesticated fish around the world. ISTA IV is the fourth in a series of meetings that have brought together scientists, farmers, and seafood buyers from around the world to provide the most complete and up-to-date information available regarding tilapia. (1997)

Fish native to Africa and the Middle East, tilapia have been caught in the wild for millennia and are now among the world's most important domesticated food fish. Tilapia include species ideal for intensive aquaculture because of, among other characteristics, their ability to breed easily in captivity and their adaptability to a wide variety of water conditions.

Edited by Kevin Fitzsimmons; Associate Research Scientist; Department of Soil, Water, and Environmental Science; Environmental Research Lab; University of Arizona. Sponsors of the symposium were the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), the American Tilapia Association, and the Aquacultural Engineering Society. Publication of the proceedings was partially underwritten by a grant from the Electric Power Research Institute.

Softcover, 1997; 808 pages
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