Dietary carotenoids in prematuration diet enhances gonadal maturation and total carotenoid content in several tissues of pond rearead black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)

Asda Laining*, Usman, Ike Trismawanti
Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture (RICA)
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka No.129, Maros 90512
South Sulawesi, INDONESIA

Development of maturation diet for pond-reared tiger shrimp should be programmed not only for maturation stage, but also for growth and prematuration phases. Specific nutrients required during prematuration stages is important to be determined since very little information is available for this stages. Carotenoids have been reported to have a positive effects in aquaculture including pigmentation, antioxidant functions, as a source of pro-vitamin A, cellular protection from photodynamic damage, and may perform vital roles in growth and reproductive success in crustaceans and fish. The aim of this study was to clarify the influence of carotenoids mixture supplemented in prematuration diet for pond-reared black tiger shrimp.

Two experimental diets were supplemented either with (PC) or without carotenoid mixture  (PO) consisting of  astaxanthine, cantaxanthine and  other carotenoids contained in spirulina. The carotenoid mixture was supplemented in commercial diet normally used as starter feed for tiger shrimp, re-pelleted and fed to tiger shrimp with initial body weight of  35.3 g.  Shrimp were allocated among four   1000 m2 concrete ponds with density  of  1 shrimp/m2 and fed until shrimp reached maturation stage.  Variables observed were growth and survival rate during prematuration stage and reproductive performances at maturation stages.

After 16 weeks, shrimp fed PC diet produced significantly (P<0.05) higher biomass  than PO diet. Total carotenoid in oosit, hepatopankreas and muscle of shrimp fed PC diet were significantly (P<0.05) enhanced  compared to control PO diet. In contrast, total carotenoid in shell was significantly (P<0.05) lower in shrimp fed PC diet than in PO diet. After totally around 20 weeks feeding, shrimp fed PC diet produced higher (P<0.05) female maturing and male producing spermatophores compared to PO diet.