Haryanti*,  Sari Budi Moria,  Sudewi,  Zeni Widiastuti  and  Ketut Sugama
Institute Mariculture for Research and Development
Br Gondol, Ds Penyabangan, Kec. Grogak-Buleleng
PO Box 140 Singaraja 81001,  Bali

In order to improve immune system of spiny lobster Panulirus homarus from any kinds of diseases, various probiotics as imunostimulant agents supplemented in moist pellet diet were tested such as whole cell of Saccharomyces cereviceae , mixed of probiotics Alteromonas sp. BY-9 and Bacillus cereus BC,  moist pellet without supplement and trash fish was used as reference diet. In the present experiment spiny lobster were reared in the concrete tanks with capacity of 10m3. Immunity responses were analyzed with quantitative value of immunity related gene expression (11 gene targets ) by RT-qPCR after challenge test.

The results showed that the survival rate  of spiny lobster were  ​​obtained of 85.06% ; 85.91% and 81.79% , while control of 32.34%. Immunity gene expression analysis results indicate that supplemented of  Saccharomyces and  probiotics  for 3 months culture showed differences in increasing  immunity responses.  Expression immunity on ALFHa-1, ALFHa-2 and ALFHa -4 after challenge test with Vibrio harveyi revealed by 62.56 fold, 50.66 fold and 94.5 fold respectively compared with controls. At ProPO activating system (prophenoloxidase / ProPO)   

expression immunity of lobster  as much as 14.8-18 fold , while the clotting system (transglutaminase, clotting protein) expression  immunity of 13.5 -33 fold. Antioxidant defense mechanism (glutathione peroxidase / GPO) of 102 - 170 fold.  Lobster immunity gene expression was not significantly different at the target gene SAA, Thireodoxin, Trypsin and Trypsin-1a-1b.