A.Indra Jaya Asaad*, Burhanuddin, Erfan A. Hendrajat, Mudian Paena
Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau
(Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture)
Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka No 129 Maros, Sulawesi Selatan 90511
Email : andi_asaad1@yahoo.com

Various shrimp ponds studies have been carried out with several options of applied technology, from traditional, extensive up to intensive technologies.  These are considered contribute great development of shrimp aquaculture in Indonesia.  Differences in the technology application to grow out shrimp in ponds take the consequences on the input of materials and energy used as well as the output (shrimp production and waste).

Assessment of environmental impact in which assess holistically the whole processes within the system is known as Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach.  This is based on ISO 14040, 14041, 14042, 14043 which covers basic principle of every phase in LCA which are : goal and scope; data inventory; life cycle impact assessment and interpretation.

This research had been done during April - August 2014 in Pangkep South Sulawesi Indonesia.  The applied technology was extensive plus with the stocking density was 8 individu/m2  during 50 - 75 days grow out.  This system have been assessed based on LCA approach particularly on the first phase of LCA, which is formulate the goal and scope of the aquaculture system.  

The main goal of this LCA was to analysis the environmental impact of the system through identification of inputs energy and material as well as the outputs.  Scope or boundary of the system were built based on the input of materials and energy which were important for grow out in pond.  In the figure above, the system boundary included all materials such as sea water through pump system and occasionally depend on tidal system.  Seed/post larvae was considered as the input, but the process to produce the post larva in the hatchery was not included in the boundary of grow out system.  Other materials such as commercial feed and additive materials as well as water pump were included in the scope.  Energy used during grow out was identified from electricty and fuel for transportation.  The outputs of the system were identified as target/desired output which was the fresh shrimp and undesired output which was the effluent (water and sediment) produced during grow out.  This boundary will be useful to the following phase of LCA analysis.