Community Structure of Plankton in Shrimp Farm of Subang District, East Java Province, Indonesia

Kamariah* and Tarunamulia
Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture
Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka No 129, Maros, South Sulawesi
Indonesia, 90512

The role of phytoplankton community in shrimp farming is already understood; however, the information on phytoplankton community in the pond areas in Indonesia is still scarce. This study was aimed to analyse community structure of phytoplankton within shrimp farm of Subang district, Province of East Sulawesi, Indonesia. A total of 53 sampling points throughout the shrimp farms in Subang district were observed during this study. The results of this study indicated that Bacillariophyceae, Myozoa dan Cyanophyceae are the three phyla compound community of phytoplankton in this area where Bacillariophyceae was the major contributor (62%) on the community. The study also revealed that there were 8 genus of phytoplankton formed community of phytoplankton which were Coscinodiscus, Navicula, Nitzschia, Oscillatoria, Pleurosigma, Prorocentrum, Thalassiosira, Anabaena, Cerataulina, Gyrosigma, Hemiaulus, Gyrodinium and Protoperidinium.  This study indicated that Oscillatoria was the most abundant genus (93 cell/mL); therefore, should be anticipated relating to its toxic on shrimp. The diversity index ranged between 0.29 - 1 indicated low diversity of phytoplankton whereas the dominance index indicated dominant genus in this waters. The cluster analysis indicated that there were two cluster of phytoplankton with dissimilarity percentage was 0%. In addition, Station SB1057 was different community structure of phytoplankton compared to all observed stations. Water quality measurement should be conducted for a better understanding in community structure of phytoplankton in Subang district.