Ruby Vidia Kusumah*, Anjang Bangun Prasetio, and Eni Kusrini
Research and Development Institute for Ornamental Fish Culture
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia
Jl. Perikanan No. 13 Pancoran Mas Kota Depok Jawa Barat Indonesia 16436

Amphiprion percula, orange clownfish, is the popular commodities of marine ornamentalfish in the world. In Indonesia this species have been cultured on several locations, such as Institute of Mariculture Research and Development (IMRAD) Bali and Lampung Center for Mariculture Development (LCMD). In Bali station, A. percula is cultured on 27.6-30.2 °C temperature, 33.8-39.8 psu salinity, 7.6-8.56 pH, 5.0-6.0 ppm DO, 0.001-0.065 ppm NH3, 0.0004-0.105 ppm NO2, 0.037-3.779 ppm NO3 with bottom and surface illumination of 209.33+132.57 lux and 115.90+55.26 lux. In Lampung station, the orange clownfish is cultured on 26.5-29.5 °C temperature, 30.0-32.0 psu salinity, 7.6-8.5 pH, 4.0-5.0 ppm DO, 0.006-0.082 ppm NH3, 0.014-0.580 ppm NO2, and < 20,000 lux of light. Our study is aimed to analyzed of color quality status of A. percula in culture condition.

Ramdomly, individuals of A. percula was documented using Canon EOS 600D digital camera from IMRAD and LCMD stations. Each colors of total and part of body area (Figure 1) was analyzed with digital image analysis (DIA) method using ImageJ 1.50f software. Total colors distribution was visualized with Color Inspector 3D plugin. Means of Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B) parameters of RGB color space was converted to Hue (H), Saturation (S), and Brightness (B) parameters on HSB color space with Adobe Photoshop software. Statistical analysis was calculated with t-test with Microsoft Excel software on 95% confidence level.

Our results showed that hue, saturation, and brightness of the body colors were varied (Table 1). Partly, some of the body area (Figure 1) showing significantly different colors (p < 0.05). Totally, imrad population showing more darker black bands (p < 0.05) and more orange body color (p < 0.05). while for LCMD population the bands were more whitish (p < 0.05) and the body was yellowish (p < 0.05) (Table 1).