Shafaq Fatima*, Mark Adams and Ryan Wilkinson
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)
University of Tasmania, Australia

Maturation is the major constraint towards the commercial production of brook trout pre harvest maturation which affects growth, flesh quality and immunocompetency. Photoperiod manipulation is relatively used to inhibit or reduce the incidence of maturation in salmonids, so an experimental adaptation of this approach was trialed for brook trout. Mixed sex fish (age =14 months) were subjected to simulated natural photoperiod (NP), advanced photoperiod (AP) and continuous photoperiod (CP) to investigate the response of this species endogenous circannual rhythm of sexual maturation. Light treatments commenced on August 1st, 2011 until May 25, 2012. Maturation was observed in all females and 96% of total males held under NP. Fish exposed to AP corrected their maturation cycle by advanced phase shift of their endogenous rhythm for 8 weeks. These fish achieved final maturation during March-April and could be manually stripped instead of natural spawning season of June-July. Plasma profiles of testosterone (T) and estradiol-17β (E2) were also adjusted according to advancement of photoperiod and were at similar concentration levels as observed in fish exposed to NP during specific developmental phases. Exposure to AP inhibited maturation by 6% and 8% in males and females, respectively, however most of the fish successfully attained maturation. Similarly, treatment of CP for 10 consecutive months failed to inhibit the onset of maturation in brook trout however did inhibit the final stage of maturation i.e. spermiation and ovulation. Although photoperiod regimes applied in present study could not successfully inhibit the maturation in brook trout but data suggest that manipulation of maturation is possible in this species if technical approach or regime is refined.