Water Quality Assessment of Selected Boreholes in Dabban Community, Niger State, Nigeria

*Ibrahim, Baba Usman  
Department of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Natural Science
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University
Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria

Study on the water quality assessment of five selected boreholes in Dabban Community, Niger State, Nigeria was carried out from April, 2016 to July, 2016. Turbidity (2.30 NTU) recorded was below WHO limit but greater than that of FEPA (0-1NTU) for domestic use. Dissolved oxygen (8.43mg/l) was greater than 6mg/l recommendation for drinking purpose. Temperature (30.26oC) was greater than WHO recommendation (25°C). Chloride ion (27.02mg/l) was below WHO permissible limit but greater than FEPA limit (2.5mg/l). Water from the boreholes were classified as soft water (<0.75mg/l) with corrosive properties. Chloride ion was significantly different (P<0.05) in the boreholes, BH-1(35.15mg/l) and BH-4 (22.75mg/l) though fall within WHO limit but higher than that of FEPA (2.5mg/l). There were fluctuations in monthly water quality parameters. DO2, total alkalinity, total hardness and conductivity decreased across the months. The water from these boreholes could be said to have traces of pollution. It is recommended that these parameters be assess in dry season to check for likely changes, regular monitoring of water quality parameters of these boreholes is encouraged, and also microbial analysis of the water should be carried out.

Keywords: Water quality, Borehole, Drinking water, Dabban Community, Niger state,                        Nigeria