Andrew Jeffs*, Jenni Stanley, Serena Wilkens, Hamish McDonald
Institute of Marine Science
University of Auckland
New Zealand, and
Hydrocadent Ltd
New Zealand

Our extensive research shows that a wide range of larval and juvenile marine organisms are highly sensitive to complex underwater acoustic signals or sounds.  This includes shellfish species which responding in positive and negative ways to unique combinations of sound that appear to vary species by species.

Through developing an understanding of the very complex nature of the interaction of underwater sounds with early stages of aquacultured shellfish we have been able to manipulate the commercial performance of shellfish in the hatchery and nursery situation, and in the collection of wild seed shellfish.  The performance gains for potential commercial application have been significant and include;

∙βDoubling the catch of wild flat oysters seed over a period of four weeks.

∙βReduced mean larval duration in cultured mussel larvae by more than 20%.

∙βReduced larval duration of Pacific oysters on average by 16 hours.

∙βDoubled the rate of successful settlement in larval Pacific oysters.

∙βIncreased the survival of Pacific oysters in their first week after settlement by over 10%.

∙βAlmost doubled the growth of seed mussels over two weeks in nursery.

∙βIncreased retention of mussel seed on grow out ropes by over 10% over first month.

∙βIncreased overall survival of mussel seed by over 15% in first month.

In this presentation we will outline some of the research results from applying Hydrocadent technology and techniques in shellfish aquaculture. This will include examples of increased larval settlement, survival and growth of juvenile shellfish of commercial interest and the opportunities for the wider application of the technology in a variety of shellfish aquaculture.