Nermeen Y. Abass*, and Rex A. Dunham
School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Auburn University, AL 36849, USA.
Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture Saba-Basha, Alexandria University, Egypt.  

In a world where more than 800 million continue to suffer from chronic malnourishment and where the global population is expected to grow by another 2 billion to reach 9.6 billion people by 2050 with a concentration in coastal urban areas, we must meet the huge challenge of feeding our planet while safeguarding its natural resources for future generations. Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food producing sector. Fish is a major source of animal protein in most developing, and developed countries. Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, is the leading aquaculture enterprise in the Unites States. There is a great need for the genetic improvement of cultured fishes. We can achieve our goal with classical breeding, genetic engineering, and the combination of these methods.


Different experiments were examined to examine the performance of transgenic growth hormone (GH) channel catfish and their controls under different abiotic stresses such salinity and cold tolerance. Channel catfish containing GH gene from channel catfish, driven by the antifreeze protein promoter (AFP) grew 1.4 to 1.6 fold larger non-transgenic channel catfish, and transgenic channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) containing growth hormone (GH) gene from channel catfish, driven by the rainbow trout metallothionein promoter (MT) grew 1.35 to 1.8 fold larger non-transgenic channel catfish. Inheritance of the transgene by the F2 generation was 10% to 36%, and GH could play an important role under salinity and cold stresses as significant (P<0.05) differences in survival and growth rate was observed under these conditions, which has relevance for aquaculture management for future climate change.     


Transgenic fish could benefit the aquaculture industry, but have yet to be approved for commercial application. However, applications for approval and commercialization are pending in the US, China and Cuba.