Carolina Casanova-Valero*, Humberto Villarreal-Colmenares, José Naranjo-Páramo
 BioHelis, Innovation and Technology Park
 Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste S.C.
 Instituto Politécnico Nacional 197. Playa Palo de Santa Rita. 23090
La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.

Aquaculture is currently the food industry with the highest growth rate worldwide. Global population is in constant growth, and with it, its food demand. To aggravate the situation, fishing resources are over exploited, and will not cover future seafood demands. Aquaculture in Baja California Sur finds itself at an incipient development stage. Although it holds a geographically privileged location and abundance of natural resources, it also faces socio-economical and environmental issues, such as malnutrition, unemployment, water shortages, among others. The objective of this study was to make a diagnostic of the current state of aquaculture in Baja California Sur, in terms of production and potential. It also analyzes the participation of stakeholders and their perceptions regarding aquaculture's sustainable development needs and its governance.

Aquaculture in Baja California Sur has a pronounced positive tendency towards growth. According to official reports, positive aspects that define aquaculture's potential in the state have been identified as: species diversity, technology development and scientific support, training, investment climate, diverse market availability, legal certainty and consolidated aquaculture producers. Principles and criteria for the analysis have been established, and a series of indicators related to sustainable development and governance of aquaculture in Baja California Sur are discussed.

As part of these indicators, a perception survey was developed for involved stakeholders in the aquaculture industry: producers, government, academic and finance institutions as well as NGOs. Results of the survey are presented.