Experiences and challenges farming pikeperch

Martin Vestergaard
Aquapri Innovation
Lergårdvej 2, 6040 Egtved, Denmark.

The Danish company Aquapri A/S has been producing Pikeperch, also known as Zander, (Stizostedion lucioperca) commercially for the last 8 years.  The company's aim has been to produce fish all year round for consumption (800-1200g).  Pikeperch is a thermophilic fish, requiring temperatures over 20-23˚C in order to achieve optimal growth.  Therefore indoors closed recirculated water technology is the only feasible way to maintain constant warm water temperatures in Denmark.  Under these conditions it is possible to produce juvenile fish (10g) within 3-4 months, and fish for consumption within 13-15 months from newly hatched larvae.  

Aquapri A/S is now in the process of expanding its production to 600tons in a new purpose built RAS system and will be one of the largest pikeperch producers in Europe.

There have been many challenges experienced both with producing pikeperch and the use of recirculated technology; the latter including biostability of the system. Development of a functional larval rearing and weaning process, along with reduction of losses due to deformities, cannibalism and stress during handling, has improved survival and growth.

All year round production of eggs and larvae has been vital for the ongoing development process and for upscaling production. RAS systems have proven to be vital in providing the necessary environmental conditions (temperature and photoperiod) in order to achieve several spawning seasons a year.