Vicente A. Méndez G; Reinier Castillo R.; Leticia Suárez M.; Juan C. Rodríguez F.; Hailer Camber Díaz; Yusbey Riera; Mayra Cristo H.; Eduardo González V.  
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences.  University of Sancti Spiritus "José Martí Pérez". ACUISIER fish farm. Cuba.

An alternative method to increase the efficiency of farming systems may be incorporating additives to improve the health of the breeders. Viusid aqua is a molecularly activated natural nutritional supplement composed of antioxidants, vitamins, trace elements and glycyrrhizinic acid. It improves the growth of fish, boosts their immune system, increases their appetite and is an excellent antiviral and hepatoprotective agent.

The study was conducted in the ACUISIER fish farm. Each tank was sown with 270 breeders, 200 females and 70 males, already classified by stages of maturation and health status. 8 tanks were used per treatment (T). The product applied was Viusid Aqua Liquid, sprinkled over the feed. T1: 2 ml per litre of water/kg of feed; T2: control, feed sprinkled with water. Prior to this investigation, we conducted a test using two treatments: Viusid aqua in doses of 1 ml and 2 ml, showing a better result in T2. So we decided to re-evaluate the experience with that dose. Feeding was carried out with industrial feed pellets for tilapia progenitors (prepared by feed mill Alisur) containin 10% fishmeat.

Temperature ranges were typical for growing this species in Cuba. Dissolved oxygen and PH, showed fluctuations throughout the culture, transparency controls, water turbidity and natural food base load showed results within the parameters supported in this cultivation during the cycle. The fry obtained were counted using the volumetric method. The results obtained were subject to a simple analysis of variance. The averages were compared by Tukey's multiple comparison test (P = 0.05).  In Table 1 the results indicate a significant statistically difference of the averages in favour of the group treated with Viusid aqua.

Graph 1 shows results by tanks showing higher and more stable results in the tanks where Viusid Aqua. Graph 2 total larvae Viusid and Control.  

The conclusion made is that administering of Viusid aqua in a 2 ml dose significantly improved the production of larvae