Tatik Mufidah*, Angela M. Lusiastuti, and Uni Purwaningsih
Research Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture
Jl. Sempur No. 1 Bogor - West Java, INDONESIA  

Streptococcosis disease known as a disease that cause a large economical loss in tilapia farming. Recently, vaccination program in fish farming become intensifly to prevent disease caused by infectious patogen including S. agalactiae. One way of vaccination is to provide the antibody direct to the fish called passive vaccination. The specific antibody of S. agalactiae can be produced from eggs. Eggs yolk from vaccinated chickens with specific antigen S. agalactiae known as one of the sources of antibodies that can be purified called immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) then used as immunotherapy against S. agalactiae infection. The purpose of this study was to conduct multilocation field trials of Immunoglobulin yolk (IgY) anti S. agalactiae as immunotherapy streptococcosis caused by S. agalactiae in nile tilapia. The results of the field tests known that igy anti S. agalactiae is potential as an immunotherapy survival rate.

Preparation of egg yolk mixed with deionized water ratio of 1 to 9 at pH 5.3. The mixture is left overnight at 4oC, centrifuged at 1000xg at 4°C for 30 minutes. Subsequently the mixture filtered with Whatman filter paper, and stored at -20°C as water-soluble fraction (WSF). Specificity IgY anti S. agalactiae showed with AGPT.

Applications of IgY anti S. agalactiae on nile tilapia is given by mixed WSF with commercial feed. Ratio of 10 kg of feed mixed with 1 liter WSF (w/v), then coated with chitosan. The feed mixture wind dried and stored again at 4°C.

The multilocation trials of IgY anti S. agalactiae conducted in two locations: in Cijeruk and Citayam. The treatments were given in feed that is giving IgY every two days as the first treatment and the administration of IgY twice a week as a second treatment. Fish control just given commercial feed. At the end of the treatment survival rate (SR) of both multilocation trial is given in Tabel 1.