Optimization of protein level of feed for Snakehead Fry (Channa striata)

M. Sulhi*, Mas Tri Djoko S., Dedi Jusadi dan Reza Samsudin
Institute for Freshwater Aquaculture Research and Development
Jl. Sempur No 1 Bogor 16154 , Indonesia

Presently there has been few of a special feed for freshwater fry. Feed manufacture are generally reluctant to produce special feed for fry because the volume a bit so as to provide a significant advantage for this Manufacture. Generally many farmers provide grower feed  pulverized to fry feed  , The difference between the feed requirement specification for grower and starter feed for fry resulted in the growth of the fry is not optimal. Seeing this condition is necessary for an investigation to get fry feed that support optimal growth so that the impact on seed production.

The Research aim to getting feed formulation to support the growth and survival of ssnakehead fry has been carried out experimentally BPPBAT Bogor maintenance container used is an aquarium with a size of 60 x 40 x 40 cm with an effective volume of 48 liters of water. Average weight used was 0.25 g /fish with a density of 100 fish/aq. The treatments were tested include differences in protein content with GE feed 3,500 kcal/kg of feed that is
A. Protein content of 30%
B. Protein content of 35%
C. Protein content of 40% and
D. Protein content of 45%.
The parameters observed is weight gain, survival, feed conversion and water quality as a supporter. Long maintenance 40 days.
The result showed different protein content of feed energy (GE) 3500 kcal / kg of feed significant effect on the parameters observed. The highest population gain shown in treatment D (prot 45%): 388.7 g and the lowest in treatment A (prot 30%) 283.0 g. Lowest feed conversion treatment B (prot 35%): 1.36, and the highest treatment D; 1.46, the highest individual weight gain in treatment D; 4.67 g / fish and the lowest in treatment A: 3.95. g / fish. The highest survival in treatment D 84.0% and the lowest in treatment A: 73.3%