Inhibitory test of Saccharomyces cerevisiae YeastTowards Vibrio parahaemolyticus Bacteria

Endang Susianingsih, Nurhidayah, Ratna Sari
Research Institute for Coastal Aquaculture
Jl. Makmur Dg. Sitakka No. 129, MarosSouth Sulawesi

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is yeast classified as eukaryotic which morphologically only forms cylindrical, oval or ovate blastospore influenced by its strain, reproduces by splitting itself through "budding cell". S. cerevisiae can be utilized as probiotic, prebiotic and immunostimulant on shrimp and fish. This study was aimed to determine the inhibitory potency of S. cerevisiae yeast against Vibrio parahemolyticus bacteria that are opportunistic pathogens.

Inhibition test performed using TSA media (Triptyc Soy Agar) with the addition of 1% NaCl (Triptyc Soy Agar) which is placed on a petri dish as much as 20μL / petri. Bacteria that have been rejuvenated (with a density of 109 CFU / mL) was inoculated into 1 ml TSA media and then flattened by using grinding and allowed to stand for 20 minutes. Fungus S. cerevisiae will be used rejuvenated into NB medium and taken as many as 200 mL and placed on the surface of the dish papper. Papper the dish and then placed on TSA media that already contains bacteria cultures were then incubated for 72 hours with positions reversed

The results showed that S. cerevisiae, by using disc paper, was known to have the ability to inhibit the growth of V. parahaemolyticus bacteria cultured together for 48 hours, which was characterized by the absence of clear zone formation resulted from the mixed culture. It concluded that the main function of S. cerevisiae yeast was not on the inhibition of bacteria. However, other functions of this yeast should be studied further.

 Keywords:   S. cerevisiae, inhibitory potency, bacteria, Vibrio parahaemolyticus