THERAPEUTICAL EFFECTS OF TETRA Cotinus coggygria IN RAINBOW TROUT Onchorhynchus mykiss AGAINST Aeromonas hydrophila INFECTION

Soner Bilen*, Husam Taher Elbishti, Randa Elbesthi
Kastamonu University,
Faculty of Fisheries,

In this study, therapeutical effects of aqueous methanolic extracts of tetra (Cotinus coggygria) against Aeromonas hydrophila in rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) were evaluated. Four different concentration of extract (0 mg/100 µl (Control), 4 mg/100 µl, 8 mg/100 µl, 12 mg/100 µl) were prepared. To compare the results, two different type of antibiotic such as florfenicol and doxycycline were also used. After intramuscular inoculation of A. hydrophila, tetra and the antibiotics were given orally using feeding needle to the each individual in all experimental group, and at end of the study survival rate was determined. The highest survival rate was found in Florcenicol group (80 %). 12 mg Tetra group, Doxycycline and 8 mg Tetra group survival rate was investigated as 74.44 %, 70% and 70 % respectively. According to our results, tetra methanolic extract is an effective therapeutic against A. hydrophila infection in rainbow trout.