The Dallas Morning News Columnist &
President, Yankee Cowboy Publishing

EVERY COMPANY HAS A STORY TO TELL Every day, stories of overcoming prob-lems, helping customers, making improvements happen all around you. The best ones — that show 'universal truths' about your company — should be shared.

YOUR BRAND SHOULD BE YOUR STORY Only a few years ago, a company needed a website. Now websites are becoming somewhat obsolete. The new medium is story. Through social media, in conversation, through advertising and marketing. Actually, it's not new. It's back to our earliest roots in humanity.

YOUR MARKETING — TO BE EFFECTIVE — SHOULD TELL A STORY We start with the facts we want to share, and our goals and motivation for telling the information. Then we construct a story around it.

STORIES MUST HAVE SIGNIFICANCE Stories you tell or write should be more than about something interesting that happened to you. Your stories ought to reveal a uni-versal truth about the human condition — something that brings deeper meaning and triggers heartfelt emotions for members of your audience. If it doesn't, toss it.

STORIES MUST BE STORIES! They MUST have a beginning, a middle and end. They must have a hero and a villain, although the villain can be a person, place, thing, trend, etc. They must have a plot and a climax with some type of resolution (tying up loose ends) at the conclusion. Stories ought to follow Dave's V-Shaped Storytelling


STORIES MUST HAVE A DRAMATIC ARC that keeps the readers/listeners entwined as they progress through the story. Each piece of the tale must lead to the next.

YOUR SALES PITCHES MUST TELL A STORY Don't sell with the facts. Sell with the emotion. Storytelling taps emotions, heart and 'brain happiness.'