Dr. Ian Forster - Outstanding JWAS Reviewer - Fourth Quarter 2016

The Editorial Board of the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society is pleased to announce the Outstanding Reviewer for the Fourth Quarter of 2016 for the Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.   Congratulations go to Dr. Ian Forster.


Dr. Ian Forster

“Of the many benefits of being a reviewer of scientific literature, two stand out. First, is the feeling of participating in the progression of science. Every scientist, whether aspiring or experienced, knows the value of having access to literature that has been peer-reviewed, but the only way this can exist is for people in the field to provide their input as reviewers. Being a reviewer gives me satisfaction in the knowledge that I’m helping to ensure publication of high quality science. A second benefit to me is that by reviewing the work of other researchers, I can gain insights that assist me when thinking about and planning my own research. I’m always delighted when I’m reviewing an article, perhaps one that is not directly in my field and that I probably would not see except as a reviewer, and I read about a technique or statistical procedure that is unknown to me but which could provide valuable new insights, or simplify my work.”

Ian Forster, Ph.D.

Research Scientist, Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD), Science Branch
Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Government of Canada

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