WAS Books
Microbial Approaches to Aquatic Nutrition in Environmentally Sound Aquaculture Production Systems
Review papers and reports of original research by leading experts on microbial ecology, water quality, pond dynamics, rumen ecosystems, wastewater treatment, and a variety of aquaculture production systems.
Biosecurity in Aquaculture Production Systems: Exclusion of Pathogens and Other Undesirables
This book contains 13 peer-reviewed and edited papers that were presented at the workshop, “Biosecurity in Aquaculture Production Systems: Exclusion of Pathogens and Other Undesirables,” held in Honolulu, Hawaii, July 23-26, 2001
Atlas of Tilapia Histology
The Atlas of Tilapia Histology provides a key reference work on normal anatomy and histology of Oreochromis niloticus. The book is comprehensive with 197 full color annotated plates depicting Tilapia strains, gross anatomy with dissections and histology.
Aquaculture and Ecosystems: An Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management Approach
Crustacean Nutrition: Volume VI
An excellent resource and teaching tool for anyone interested in the nutrition of crustacean species.
Health Management, Development and Histology of Seed Oysters
A basis for systematic diagnosis, and thus management, of oyster larval and seed diseases.
Tilapia Aquaculture in the Americas, Volume Two
Volume Two of this popular series is now available from The World Aquaculture Society.
Shrimp Culture: Economics, Market, and Trade
The growth in the demand for and culture of shrimp has exceeded most expectations and this growth is expected to continue until at least 2025. A proper knowledge of the economics, market and trade for shrimp is now as important to shrimp farmers and aquaculture scientists in the future of shrimp, as is disease management or husbandry. Print on Demand Title
Aquaculture Biosecurity: Prevention, Control and Eradication of Aquatic Animal Disease
Published in Cooperation with THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY
Aquaculture biosecurity programs addressing aquatic animal pathogens and diseases have become an important focus for the aquaculture industry. Print on Demand title (allow extra days to ship)
Biofloc Technology - A Practical Guidebook 3rd Edition
The 3rd Edition of the book by Dr. Yoram Avnimelech that reviewed the state-of-the-art and status of biofloc technology in aquaculture. The first two editions quickly sold out, so a corrected and expanded second edition has been published.
ISBN: 978-188880-7226
Edited by: Dr. Yoram Avnimelech
Dietary Nutrients, Additives and Fish Health
Dietary Nutrients, Additives and Fish Health is a comprehensive review of dietary nutrients, antinutritional factors and toxins, and non-nutrient dietary additives, and their effects on fish performance and immune system function, as well as overall health. ISBN:978-0-470-96288-6
Authors:Cheng-Sheng Lee, Chhorn Lim, Delbert M. Gatlin III, Carl Webster
Published in cooperation with the UNITED STATES AQUACULTURE SOCIETY
List price $199.95
Aquaculture Economic Analysis: Volume II
Covers various methods of analysis applicable to economic research in aquaculture.
Aquaculture Production Systems
Aquaculture is an increasingly diverse industry with an ever-growing number of species cultured and production systems available to professionals. A basic understanding of production systems is vital to the successful practice of aquaculture. Aquaculture Production Systems provides a valuable survey of key production systems that will allow the reader to better understand how aquaculture depends upon and interacts with its environment.
Edited by: James H. Tidwell; Hardcover, 421 pages; 2012
Aquaculture: Retrospective and Outlook An Aquaculture Summit
Information compiled by experts during a workshop held in Honolulu November 2002